The Iowa Holstein Association is a membership organization since 1886 and is now 516 members strong. Our purpose is to promote registered Holstein cattle and its breeders and owners within the state of Iowa.
The mission of the Iowa Holstein Association is to act concurrently with the National Association in the promotion and development of registered Holstein cattle. (Adopted by the Iowa Holstein Association Board of Directors, March 15, 2003)
By being a member of our organization you are provided with the opportunity of the following: recognition, shows, promotion, publication, adult and youth convention, scholarship, distinguished service award, master breeder award, outstanding young holstein breeder award and so much more!

President's Perspective
Hello Iowa Holstein Friends,
This may possibly be one of my favorite times of the year. Nature has come back to life. As we drive the rural roads, we see the beginning of everyone’s spring planting. The crops are extending a canopy over the ground and the smell of the freshly cut alfalfa is uniquely amazing. The cattle in the pastures completes the landscape and makes you take a second glance.
Thanks to district 8 for hosting The State Holstein Convention. Be sure to read the profiles of this year’s award winners. Congratulation to each of them. I was totally surprised, honored and grateful to receive The Hall of Fame Award. Thank you to Brynlee Volker, our last Holstein Princess for all your service to our Assoc. and Good Luck with your next endeavors! Congratulations to our new Iowa Holstein Princess, Kaitlyn Besler! Contact her if you need her assistance with dairy events. Special thanks to Myron Rediske for the entertainment!
Thanks to Courtney Sales for managing the auction this year at the Iowa Spring Holstein Sale. We had some high-quality cattle and they sold well. Thank you to Blake Courtney for running the successful raffle again this year! We netted just under $10,000. Congratulations to the winners!
The bus trip took us to northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin, with an overnight stay at Lake Geneva, WI. The wet cool weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of our group. Special thanks to all seven of the dairy farms for welcoming us on two less than ideal days. We were able to see some tremendous cattle and dairy facilities!
Safe travels to those who will be attending the National Holstein Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, and good luck to the Junior Contestants!
Good luck to all exhibitors as you prepare for the county fairs, district shows and the Iowa State Holstein Show, which will be held in Des Moines during the Iowa State Fair on August 9th and 10th.
The Iowa Holstein Picnic will be at a centralized location for most, as we travel just north of Petersburg to KCCK Genetics. Tom, Sara, Kaleb, Cole and Carter Kruse will be hosting this event on August 24th. It should be a great destination! We will also be having our State and District Board meetings there, as usual.
Our Granddaughter, Cambrie Wessel turned her reign as Clayton County Little Miss Squirt over to her younger sister, Cagney Wessel last month. We feel honored to escort her, as well, to the Clayton County Parades and other dairy events.
It is very encouraging to see the milk and cheese market finally creeping up. Hopefully, the prices will be sustained with the shortage of dairy replacements in the country.
See all of you at the shows!
Your President,
Walt Wessel
Kaitlyn Besler is the daughter of Alan and Jill Besler of Worthington. She is a junior at Beckman Catholic High School. Kaitlyn's involvement with dairy began when she joined 4-H in 4th grade. At this time, Kaitlyn wanted to show dairy animals at the Delaware County Fair and she began a 4-H animal leasing agreement with her great uncle, Duane Gibbs. For the past 7 years, Kaitlyn has housed and cared for her dairy project animals on their farm from May - August. She enjoys showing at the county fair, District 8 Holstein show, Iowa Holstein State Show, and the Youth Dairy Classic.
Kaitlyn is also involved in FFA, serving as the chapter Vice President. She is a member of the North Fork Kats 4-H club where she currently serves as the club President. At the county level, Kaitlyn is a member of the Delaware County 4-H Council. She runs varsity track, sings in the church choir, and was recently inducted into the National Honor Society. Kaitlyn was also awarded the 2024 Top of the Class Scholar at Beckman Catholic. When Kaitlyn is not busy with school and extracurricular activities, she enjoys being a big sister to her four siblings.
Kaitlyn is looking forward to serving the Iowa Holstein Association and being a positive representative for the dairy industry.
If you would like to have Kaitlyn attend one of your events please feel free to reach out to her via email at: 25kbesler@beckman.pvt.k12.ia.us or by phone at: 563-451-3843