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Current Membership

Below is an active list of members as of June 2023 of Iowa Holstein Association members. 

  1. Reduced rates on registering your cattle through Holstein Association USA. State members pay $10 versus $18.

  2. Opportunity to participate and engage with fellow Holstein breeders at events such as District and State Shows, Annual Meeting, State Junior Convention, and our Annual Picnic.

  3. Voting privileges at the Annual Meeting in which helps determine the future of the Iowa Holstein Association.

  4. Subscription to the Iowa Holstein Herald, Midwest Holstein News, Membership Directory.

  5. Opportunity to advertise your herd or business in The Herald, our quarterly publication.

  6. Opportunity to earn money by consigning to our annual Spring Sale.

  7. Individuals under 21, can be a member as well! The Junior Association and Junior Board have a variety of opportunities for them to be involved and meet other dairy enthusiasts and have fun! There are leadership opportunities available by serving on the Junior Board. You also get to be involved in Junior State and National Conventions and competitions such as Dairy Quiz Bowl, Dairy Jeopardy, Speech, or Scrapbook.


For more information regarding membership, contact IHA Secretary/Treasurer Shellie Volker at 319-269-0318 or by email at

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