2024 Iowa Junior Holstein Convention
December 30th & 31st
Comfort Inn | 527 16th Ave SE Dyersville, IA 52040
Come have some fun with the Iowa Holstein Juniors!
Registration is from 10:00-10:45 AM on Monday, December 30th
Quiz Bowl Exam will begin at 11:00 AM
Fun Games & Activities
Learn about the 2025 National Convention
Meet other Juniors in the Association
Movie Night
Any Junior member or Dairy Enthusiast between the ages of 8 to 21 is welcome to attend.
The cost to attend is $25.00 which covers your room and food and dues if your renewing or becoming a new member.
Please email Jeff Hammerand by December 23 if you plan to attend in order for us to get a count for rooms. We also need your t-shirt size, include that in the email also!
Make checks payable to Iowa Junior Holstein Association.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Jeff Hammerand at 24heavenlee@gmail.com.
13th Annual- 2021 Iowa Junior Holstein Convention: "Lucky To Be An IOWA Junior"
​December 27th & 28th
Comfort Inn | 527 16th Ave SE Dyersville, IA 52040
Come have some fun with the Iowa Holstein Juniors!
Registration is from 10:00-10:45 AM on Monday, December 27th
Quiz Bowl Exam will begin at 11:00 AM
2020 Iowa Junior Holstein Convention - February 27
Pavilion, Delaware County Fairgrounds, Manchester
2:00 pm - Quiz Bowl/Jeopardy Test
Junior Activities, Meeting & more fun to follow!
7:00 pm - Banquet with Adults (including auction to benefit Juniors) Iowa Junior Holstein Association will cover the banquet ticket cost for any junior member that participates in that day’s activities.
RSVP to Jeff & Tammy by email or 563-580-3908 by February 17.
State & Delaware County Fairgrounds Covid-19 protocols will be followed for the event.
2019 Iowa Junior Holstein Convention
The 2019 Iowa Junior Holstein Convention was held December 30-31 at the Comfort Inn, Dyersville. Approximately 40 juniors attended the convention.
The convention was kicked off with a knowledge test to see who would compete on the quiz bowl teams and in the jeopardy contest for the 2020 National Holstein Convention. The convention will be held in Lancaster, PA, with the theme being “Leading the Holstein Vision”.
The meeting was held and new officers were elected as follows: President - Regan Demmer, Vice President - Trenton Hammerand, Secretary - Brooke Courtney, Treasurer - Brylie Volker, Reporter - Brynlee Volker & Henry Hamlett, Historian - Brenna & Brielle Volker, Digital Historian - Amanda Engelken, Brylie & Brynlee Volker.
The afternoon was filled with fun ice breaker activities, games and pool time. We danced the night away as well as had a hula-hoop contest and played musical chairs. After working up an appetite at the dance, we finished off the night with card games.
The juniors would like to thank the parents and adults that assisted with the convention! We look forward to next year’s Iowa Junior Holstein Convention. The next Iowa Junior Holstein meeting will be held at the State Sale on March 21 at 10:00 am at the West Union Fairgrounds. Hope to see you there!